Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, PhD

Sustainable Communities Director

Andrea is the Sustainable Communities Program Director at GreenLatinos, where she advocates for policymaking that will create a just and environmentally sustainable future for our communities. Her passion is making places function and feel better for the people who inhabit them, while advancing equity, supporting anti-racist practices, honoring history, and creating healthy and beautiful public space. She holds a PhD in Urban and Public Policy from The New School, an MS in Urban Planning from Columbia University, and a BA from Sarah Lawrence College.



Andrea es la Directora  del Programa de Comunidades Sostenibles en GreenLatinos, donde aboga por la formulación de políticas que crearán un futuro justo y ambientalmente sostenible para nuestras comunidades. Su pasión es hacer que los lugares funcionen y se sientan mejor para las personas que los habitan, mientras que avanza la equidad, apoya las prácticas antirracistas, honra la historia y crea un espacio público sano y hermoso. Tiene un doctorado en políticas públicas y urbanas de New School, una maestría en planificación urbana de la Universidad de Columbia y una licenciatura de Sarah Lawrence College.

Andrea Marpillero-Colomina, PhD’s Session(s):

| Tuesday, October 18, 2022

8:15 a.m.–9:15 a.m. Pacific: Close the Gap: Scaling EV Infrastructure Today

To keep pace with the rapidly growing interest in electric vehicles, vast networks of publicly accessible chargers will need to be built and put into operation. A failure to scale to meet growth will slow the progress decarbonizing road transport. This timely session focuses on a discussion of scaling strategies and what to consider to tie into the nation’s infrastructure. Topics covered include: 

    • Societal, demographic, and monetary factors
    • The role of software and services, new business models, consolidation, and competition
    • Hiring talent to solve the vast and complex technological, operational, and consumer-acceptance challenges

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