Zach Henkin
Director of EV Program ResearchCenter for Sustainable Energy
Zach Henkin is the Director of EV Programs Research at the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE), where he leads research and analysis focused on adopting and using electric vehicles and infrastructure at scale. Zach brings over ten years of experience researching transportation electrification, has designed numerous large-scale demonstration projects relating to consumer EV adoption, and lectured on EV and charging programs worldwide. Zach has an MBA specializing in renewable energy, formerly served as a planning commissioner and economic development commissioner and is a Third Derivative (D3) clean tech mentor.
Zach Henkin’s Session(s):
11:30 am–12:30 pm | Thu, March 30, 2023
Show Me the Money: Navigating Grants, Financing, and Incentives
With your strategy in place, you are ready to take the next step. $7.5 billion is up for grabs just from the federal government. How and where can you obtain grant incentives and what are the grant funding limits? This session will dive into everything related to the money side of the EV charging industry from loan financing, grant programs, incentives, rebates, and more.
- Learn which rebates you qualify for as a government, non-profit, multifamily, or school customer
- Learn how federal and state funding affects your new build and existing build alterations (limitations)
12:15 pm–12:45 pm | Fri, March 31, 2023
Planning for Equitable Access of EV Charging
EV charging can be designed to maximize local community benefits while meeting charging corridor plans, and other objectives related to funding or state goals. This session will explore how existing programs designed to advance the uptake and utilization of charging in the workplace, multi-family, and along charging corridors can be designed with an equity lens while also meeting the requirements defined by program administrators.