SELECT `id`, `pagetitle` FROM `modx_site_content` AS `modResource` WHERE `modResource`.`alias` = 'tim-cho'

Tim Cho

Senior Manager of Federal Grants & Special Projects, Clean Cities Director
Clean Fuels Ohio

Tim Cho is the Senior Manager of Federal Grants & Special Projects at Clean Fuels Ohio (CFO) where he currently manages the CFO’s portfolio of programs including Department of Energy-funded projects, private foundation grants, and other various programs at the regional, state, and local level encompassing all different types of clean transportation efforts. Some of the efforts Tim leads include medium/heavy-duty electric vehicle deployment projects, electric vehicle charging deployment and data collection & analysis, and transportation electrification programs with utilities, municipalities, counties, and fleets.

Cho also serves as the U.S. Department of Energy designated Clean Cities Co-Director for Clean Fuels Ohio whose mission is to strengthen the state of Ohio by increasing the use of cleaner, domestic fuels, and energy-saving vehicles. Joining Clean Fuels Ohio in 2018, Tim’s work and experience entail engaging with CFO’s diverse stakeholders, supporting a wide variety of end users in Ohio with solutions to achieve clean transportation efforts through services including project management, fleet assessment and planning, advanced fuel, electric vehicle and fueling infrastructure/charging station deployment, alternative fuel highway and corridor planning, vehicle emissions analysis, and grant writing.

Cho holds a bachelor’s degree in Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability from The Ohio State University. 

Tim Cho’s Session(s):

1:00 pm–3:00 pm | Wed, March 29, 2023

Council Of Cities EV Strategic Planning Workshop: Meeting Sustainability Goals for a Clean Future *EXCLUSIVE TO QUALIFIED APPLICANTS*

Whether it is creating community resilience, electrifying fleets, enabling integrated and equitable transportation systems, or preparing for a shift in infrastructure requirements this workshop helps cities plan. Through proper implementation, financing, and regional coordination your city can achieve a Net Zero transportation infrastructure. In this workshop you will be able to:

  • Plan ahead to capture the benefits of early adoption
  • Develop key relationships to ease transitions
  • Leverage federal and utility funding, investments, and incentives
  • Establish EV charging investment strategies, policies, and programs
  • Assess EV behavior in your region and estimate current and future needs


To sign up for this workshop, fill out the form below:

11:30 am–12:30 pm | Thu, March 30, 2023

Show Me the Money: Navigating Grants, Financing, and Incentives

With your strategy in place, you are ready to take the next step. $7.5 billion is up for grabs just from the federal government. How and where can you obtain grant incentives and what are the grant funding limits? This session will dive into everything related to the money side of the EV charging industry from loan financing, grant programs, incentives, rebates, and more. 

  • Learn which rebates you qualify for as a government, non-profit, multifamily, or school customer
  • Learn how federal and state funding affects your new build and existing build alterations (limitations)

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