SELECT `id`, `pagetitle` FROM `modx_site_content` AS `modResource` WHERE `modResource`.`alias` = 'marci-henson'

Marci Henson

Clark County Department of Environment and Sustainability

Marci Henson currently serves as Director of the Clark County Department of Environment & Sustainability and Administrator of the Clark County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan.

Marci directs Clark County's vision for a sustainable community that improves quality of life, supports economic security, and protects the environment. Her portfolio includes directing the County’s regional air quality programs, administering the Clark County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, and leading the County’s sustainability and climate action initiatives.

Marci Henson’s Session(s):

10:30 am–11:15 am | Thu, March 30, 2023

Redefining Regional Electric Vehicle Coordination

What does regional coordination mean in terms of scaling infrastructure and meeting the needs of the EV charging industry? The EV industry is fast moving and municipalities and government entities are struggling to keep up. A lack of EVSE policies, regulations, and government coordination is hindering the ability to meet demand. Join this session to learn how municipalities can create regional alignment in the nation’s plan for charging infrastructure. 

    • Develop aligned strategies through crucial partnerships
    • Involve key stakeholders to fast-track the deployment of infrastructure 


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