SELECT `id`, `pagetitle` FROM `modx_site_content` AS `modResource` WHERE `modResource`.`alias` = 'diego-quevedo'

Diego Quevedo

EMG Charging Infrastructure Sr. Engineer and Utilities Lead
Daimler Trucks North America

Diego is a graduate of Butler University and IUPUI in Indianapolis, Indiana with Bachelors of Science in Mathematics and Mechanical Engineering. He later received a Master of Science in Product Design and Development Management from Northwestern University. His experience includes 8 years at Cummins working on diesel engine development and 7 years at Daimler Truck in Manufacturing Engineering, Cab Engineering, and now the ZEV Infrastructure & Consulting department. Diego has a passion for EVs and renewable energy who no longer owns an ICE vehicle, solar on his roof, and home energy storage.

Diego Quevedo’s Session(s):

11:45 am–12:30 pm | Thu, March 30, 2023

ROI – Investing for the Long Haul

Taking a look at the Case Study from Legend Transportation INC. and its partners SCE and Daimler Trucks.

The cost of fuel and maintenance are crucial factors to consider in the trucking industry. With regenerative braking and lower energy costs, electric fleets are a fair competitor to their diesel counterparts. Dramatic changes to a business happen when operators realize that less maintenance, more uptime, productivity, and cheaper energy come from transitioning to an electric fleet. In this session you will:

  • Weigh the options of less maintenance over time and up-front infrastructure expenditures
  • Learn how to accurately assess your current vehicles versus electric vehicles 
  • Leverage PHEV monitoring to maximize ROI
  • Understand the cost-saving benefits of TOU pricing for fleets and utilities 

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