Fri, March 31, 2023   |   11:45 am – 12:15 pm

ChargeWest Case Study: Charging for Urban and Rural Communities


Tammie Bostick
Tammie Bostick
Prime Investigator
Department of Energy - Utah Clean Cities and Communities
Kandee Bahr Worley
Kandee Bahr Worley
Division Chief, Sustainability and Emerging Transportation
Nevada Department of Transportation

About This Session

For urban areas where utilities don’t have the capacity to support charging infrastructure, and for rural areas where utilities don’t serve, there is a gaping hole for underserved communities. With current gas prices and considerably long daily commutes, rural communities can benefit highly from electric vehicles but lack equitable charging infrastructure. The first step was lowering the cost of EVs, the next step is to bring infrastructure to these communities. Learn how ChargeWest is helping to expand infrastructure to rural communities.

ChargeWestTM is a collection of Intermountain West states which are committed to improving electric corridors across the western United States; building infrastructure in rural gateway communities, state and national parks, monuments, recreation areas, and scenic by-ways. The states involved are Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming. The entire Intermountain West Region will benefit from the ChargeWest project, which aims to support consumer education, stakeholder engagement, and rural infrastructure development of electric vehicle charging from the expansion of alternative fuel corridors. 

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