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Zach Woogen

Interim Executive Director
Vehicle-Grid Integration Council

Zach Woogen leads regulatory, policy, and market development efforts at the Vehicle-Grid Integration Council, covering rate and program design, interconnection rules and regulations, and managed charging and V2X technology in the leading VGI markets. Zach also supports go-to-market strategy for clients in the V2X and smart charging space.

Zach Woogen’s Session(s):

9:00 am–9:45 am | Thursday, November 2, 2023

Capital Fleets: Financial and Regulatory Considerations

Gain a comprehensive understanding of the regulations and funding opportunities related to electric vehicle fleets. From government policies and incentives to grants and funding programs, attendees will explore the landscape of regulations and financial support available for electrified fleets. Through expert insights and case studies, this session will provide practical guidance on navigating regulatory requirements, accessing funding sources, and maximizing financial incentives to accelerate the adoption of EV fleets.

Key Takeaways

  1. Gain insights into the regulatory landscape surrounding EV fleets, including emissions standards, vehicle licensing, charging infrastructure requirements, and compliance with local and national regulations.
  2. Discover the various funding programs and incentives available to support the transition to EV fleets, such as government grants, tax credits, and rebates, and learn how to navigate the application process.
  3. Acquire strategies to optimize the financial benefits of transitioning to EV fleets, including understanding total cost of ownership, calculating fuel and maintenance savings, leveraging available incentives, and accessing grants for charging infrastructure deployment.
  4. Understand the compliance requirements and reporting obligations associated with operating EV fleets, including tracking vehicle data, monitoring charging infrastructure usage, and reporting on environmental impact and energy consumption.
  5. Explore real-world examples of successful EV fleet adoption and funding strategies, and gain insights into best practices for leveraging regulations and funding opportunities to maximize the impact and sustainability of EV fleets.

Check out our early bird ticket prices!
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