With the advent of longer-range electric vehicles – even pickup trucks – EV ownership has entered the realm of the possible for people in rural areas. This development bodes well for rural EV infrastructure companies that want to stake their claim on this emerging market.
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The availability of affordable long-range EVs isn’t the only thing lighting up the rural EV market. According to a recent National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) post, rural and urban EV owners spend anywhere from 3 to 13 percent more at fueling stations and convenience stores than owners of combustion engine-fueled cars. Additionally, on average, rural EV drivers also own more vehicles than those who own gas-guzzlers.
The more (cars), the merrier – at least for charging station owners. That’s not all that should make the rural market attractive to EV charging infrastructure companies.
EV owners also tend toward a younger demographic, with higher incomes, according to the NACS piece. They’ll have more money to spend at charging stations. Even more promising is that cash will keep flowing for longer since they’ll likely have more years to spend that money.
Granted, the rural EV charging market is still new. However, since we last reported on the state of rural EV charging infrastructure, several companies and co-ops have enjoyed rousing success with charging stations in rural areas. Here are some rural EV infrastructure success stories that can inspire you and your company to pursue installing charging stations in regions far from the city lights.
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Red E Charge – South Dakota, USA
Even though rural South Dakota had only 1,400 EVs registered as of January of this year, Red E Charge gambled on the future of EVs and sponsored three of the state’s four non-Tesla EV charging stations, giving it an edge as the EV market grows across the state.
Since none of South Dakota’s Tesla Supercharger stations offer charging for non-Tesla vehicles, Red E Charge faces little competition from other charging stations along the I-90 corridor. As one of the few options for non-Tesla vehicles, it provides virtual oases for both travelers passing through the state and local residents.
South Dakota isn’t the only rural area where Red E Charge has installed EV chargers. A map on its website shows a wealth of stations peppered throughout America’s heartland. With this head start on its competitors, the company will likely keep its successful formula rolling across the nation.
Moretonhampstead – Central Devon, United Kingdom
Although Moretonhampstead isn’t an American community, its success story can serve as a source of inspiration on this side of the pond. A “picturesque Devon town,” this rural community found a way to preserve its vintage charm while providing its EV-owing residents with a robust EV charging infrastructure that will serve them well into the future.
To accomplish this goal, urban innovation company DG Cities identified locations in Moretonhampstead where public EV charging and in-home charging are scarce or unavailable. Then, their team used a modeling tool to determine whether those areas’ car park spaces could accommodate conventional EV chargers or if an off-grid or battery charging option would be a better fit.
Then, considering the high volume of out-of-town traffic from Moretonhampstead’s bustling tourist industry, the team determined that installing EV chargers in the town’s public car park would provide adequate charging infrastructure to serve 225 households. Considering that the average UK household size sits around 2.36 people, this solution would provide EV charging for about one-fourth of the town’s 2,000 residents.
With accurate data points and cooperation among area residents and businesses, this model should work in the US as well, particularly in rural areas that experience high volumes of seasonal traffic. However, considering the greater distances between American rural towns compared to their UK counterparts, we would suggest that EV charging companies also consider opening EV charging stations just outside the town limits to serve the incoming tourists as well as the rural towns’ residents.
Various Communities, North Texas, USA
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Once a “charging desert,” northern Texas is now ground zero for an EV infrastructure boom. Thanks to $15 million in funding from the US Department of Transportation and an enthusiastic mix of businesses and residents, the area is sprouting new EV charging stations throughout the rural landscape.
Fuel retailers and convenience stores have begun installing charging stations as EV ownership grows across the state. Some local governments, such as those in Mesquite and Dallas, have also installed charging stations around the regions they manage. To get the ball rolling, these cities offer free charging at some locations until September 2024.
But that’s not all North Texas is doing to advance the development of EV charging infrastructure across the region. The Fort Worth area now hosts LG’s brand-new EV charger factory, representing the appliance company’s astute move into the EV charging space.
The chargers will become available nationwide later in 2024. With the predicted jump in EV ownership across the US, Northern Texas looks to play a central role in fueling the new vehicles.
Make These Rural EV Infrastructure Success Stories Your Own
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These three rural EV infrastructure case studies showcase how innovation and careful planning can lead to success for new EV charging startups, even in sparsely populated rural areas.
With gasoline and diesel fuel prices well over $3 per gallon, the newer long-range EVs will become more and more attractive to rural drivers. Position your company to take advantage of these developments, and you’ll have a head start in attracting new EV owners to your facilities.
Learn How to Leverage Rural EV Growth at the EV Charging Summit
In addition to your innovation and planning, it pays to consult with the EV charging industry’s finest minds before you find the best locations in rural areas to build your EV charging facilities. At an EV Charging Summit event, you’ll hear from experts who range across a broad spectrum of interests in the EV charging space.
From how to obtain funding to the latest EV charging technology and everything in between, our events feature everything you’ll need to know to put the growth in rural EV ownership to work for your company. Register a spot for yourself and your team today!