SELECT `id`, `pagetitle` FROM `modx_site_content` AS `modResource` WHERE `modResource`.`alias` = 'sabrina-rodriguez'

Sabrina Rodriguez

Research Engineer
Southwest Research Institute (SwRI)

Ms. Rodriguez is in the Intelligent Systems Division at SwRI. She has a broad range of experience including hardware engineering, software development, firmware, penetration testing, and embedded systems. She provides technical and project leadership to the Cyber-Physical Systems section by leveraging her background in computer engineering. She primarily supports projects related to automotive and fast charging cybersecurity. Currently her work focuses on securing the EV charging ecosystem. Ms. Rodriguez has been an asset to projects by applying her expertise on topics including penetration tests and TARAs for EVs and charging stations (Level 2, DCFC).

Sabrina Rodriguez’s Session(s):

2:15 pm–3:00 pm | Thu, March 27, 2025

Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities & Defenses for Public & Private EVSE

Check out our early bird ticket prices!
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