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Joseph Barletta

Founder & CEO
Smart Charge America

With a love for classic American hotrods and electronics, EVs were a natural EVolution for Joseph Barletta, thus after completing his MBA studies in Texas, he went on to establish Smart Charge America in 2007 as America's first, exclusively focused EV charging installation company offering full turnkey services in Residential, Commercial, Fleet, and Service applications. Since then, Smart Charge America has installed more than 35,000+ charging stations across the nation with satellite offices in the top 50 EV-friendly cities across America, holding several nationwide contracts from companies such as Tesla, ChargePoint, All-State & Amazon. With an encyclopedia of EV charging knowledge helping with State legislative and local municipality/utility efforts on implementing guidelines for all things public charging, Joseph continues to help lead our nation's efforts in installing EV charging infrastructure in the smartest way possible. Joseph hopes to be installing over 40,000 charging stations per year by 2030.

“Putting more charging stations in the ground faster and at a rate that is continuously cheaper and easier to use is the key to accelerating the advent of EVs and ultimately moving the needle on climate change. We’re not here to simply help move the needle, we exist to move it faster.”

Joseph Barletta’s Session(s):

3:30 pm–4:00 pm | Wed, March 26, 2025

Everything You Need to Know About Finding the Right Service Plan For Your EV Chargers

Check out our early bird ticket prices!
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