SELECT `id`, `pagetitle` FROM `modx_site_content` AS `modResource` WHERE `modResource`.`alias` = 'joel-levin'

Joel Levin

Executive Director
Plug In America

Joel is a leading advocate for electric vehicles, clean energy and effective climate policies. As executive director of Plug In America, he is focused on continuing to build it as the national consumer voice for electric vehicles in the United States. He is chair of the Global EV Drivers’ Alliance, which links together EV driver associations around the world and represents the voice of EV drivers at the international level. He is also a member of the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority Sustainability Council and the California Energy Commission Clean Transportation Program Advisory Committee. Prior to joining Plug In America, he served as vice president for business development at the Climate Action Reserve, a registry for carbon offsets. He has an MBA from UC Berkeley and an MA in international economics from the Johns Hopkins University. He drives a Nissan LEAF and mostly charges at home on a Clipper Creek HCS-50 charging station.

Joel Levin’s Session(s):

9:00 am–10:00 am | Thu, March 27, 2025

Elevating the Customer Charging Experience

Creating a seamless, reliable, and satisfying charging experience has never been more critical. This keynote panel will address the biggest customer experience challenges in EV charging: minimizing charger anxiety, enhancing operability, simplifying payment systems, and delivering a consistently positive user experience. Panelists will explore solutions to streamline interactions with EV chargers, tackle reliability concerns, and develop customer-focused innovations that ensure drivers can charge with ease and confidence. Join us to uncover how collaboration and cutting-edge advancements can elevate the EV charging experience and accelerate adoption across all user demographics.

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