Mats Larsson

Senior Advisor

Mats Larsson has been working as a business and management consultant for 35 years. He has worked with companies in a large number of different industries. For the past 20 years he has explored the resources that will be needed to change transportation systems to electric vehicles on a large scale. He has written 8 internationally published books on this subject, starting with "Global Energy Transformation" in 2009. In 2023 "How Building the Future Really Works" was published.

In 2024 he led the project Charge Helsingborg that focused on mapping the future charging needs and the needs for grid capacity at the logistics area Långeberga in Helsingborg, Sweden. The area is visited by 1,400 trucks every day and the EU has decided to rapidly phase out diesel trucks starting immediately. It was found that substantial investment in the reinforcement of the grid would be necessary to facilitate the high-speed charging of many trucks. Mats is also the project manager of the EU-funded project South Baltic Electromobility Enabling Services (SBEES) in which services and tools for the expansion of electric vehicle fleets will be developed. SBEES will run from 2024 to 2027.

Mats Larsson’s Session(s):

12:15 pm–12:45 pm | Wed, March 26, 2025

Preparing for Increased Demand - Utility Planning and Forecasting Strategies to Support Grid Modernization & Upgrades at the Least Cost

Check out our early bird ticket prices!
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