Karl Doenges

Exec. Dir. Charging Analytics Program
Transportation Energy Institute

Karl Doenges is the Executive Director of the Transportation Energy Institute (TEI) Charging Analytics Program. Karl also represents the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS) on the coming disruption in mobility and how that affects EV charging site hosts. In this role, Karl focuses on NACS’ EV charging infrastructure and EV-retail integration programs, TEI’s EV analytics programs, and engaging the EV industry. 

Previously, he was Chief Marketing Officer and Senior Vice President of Government Affairs and Business Development for Sweetwater Energy, President of Clean Fuel Distribution, Director of Global Marketing at Wagner and Brown, Ltd., and consultant for fuel, energy, and technology for various companies and Vice President of Marketing and Government Affairs for Gradiant Corporation.

Karl also worked in the United States International Trade Administration, establishing the energy exporting team – coordinating the federal agencies engaged in energy and exports.

Karl is a member of the State Bar of Texas, served on the U.S. District Export Council for the U.S. Department of Commerce, is an international business graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, earned his Juris Doctorate (J.D.) and Master of Business Administration from Texas Tech University.

Karl Doenges’s Session(s):

10:45 am–11:15 am | Wed, March 26, 2025

The State of the Industry: Leveraging Data on the Trajectory of EV Charging Across Industries to Inform Your Investments

Join us for a presentation by the Transportation Energy Institute (TEI) - an independent think tank and research center focused on on-road, low-carbon transportation fuels - and the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE). Together, they’ve created the Charging Analytics Program (CAP), a tool to help site hosts and the EV charging industry make smarter decisions about existing and future charging locations.

In this session, Karl and James will use the CAP tool to derive insights from key data points. These insights include:

  • Data and insights highlighting what’s actually happening regarding charging utilization, sessions, and charging failures with analysis of what is driving causation
  • The tools available to make informed decisions to maximize existing EV charging sites and benchmark your site against top and bottom performers
  • Independent industry charging data from a non-profit think tank
  • Assessing trend lines to get insights about the future of charging
  • What might be happening behind the data and insights discussed, featuring relevant use cases and different charging scenarios

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