Fri, March 22, 2024   |   1:05 pm – 1:35 pm

Deploying Scalable EV Charging Services Across Your Commercial Portfolio


Enoch Lenge
Enoch Lenge
Head of US, eMobility Practice

About This Session

Enoch Lenge will discuss commercial real estate considerations when designing and deploying the right solutions for scenarios such as workplace employee charging, commercial fleet electrification, and destination on-the-go charging. The presentation will talk through a list of questions for consideration when developing charging strategies, including:

  • How do you prioritize sites within a portfolio for electrification?
  • How do you determine whether you need on-site vs off-site charging?
  • How do I optimize the number of chargers I need to keep my fleet operational and efficient?
  • What are the considerations for leased property vs owned?
    • Determining installation of charging equipment on a lease property
    • Concerns from landlords and site owners after lease termination on EV infrastructure – what happens to the charging equipment?
  • How do I ensure we’ve got the right amount of power?
    • Ensuring utility capacity for today and tomorrow
    • Microgrid and battery storage
    • Business continuity strategy for utility failure
  • How does route optimization impact commercial models?
  • What is an effective way to continue ongoing operations & maintenance?

The session will share case studies of challenges, successes, and learning lessons to help support the industry in its growth of EV charging.

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