Fri, March 22, 2024   |   1:35 pm – 2:05 pm

Incorporating Load Management to Optimize Your Charging Stations


Richard Bailey
B&B Technology Solutions
Richard Bailey
B&B Technology Solutions
Dr. Silke Kirchner
Dr. Silke Kirchner
Product Manager Digital Solutions
Webasto Charging Systems, Inc.
Mark Gross
Mark Gross
VP Product Management
Rick Jennings
Rick Jennings
E-Mobility Product Manager

About This Session

This panel will discuss:

  • What is load management, why is it important, and what are some customer use cases?
  • How can the performance of EV charging load management solutions be measured, and why does that matter
  • What are the pros and cons of different smart charging types, e.g. local versus cloud-based/central smart charging
  • How may contention be resolved between multiple applications (e.g., microgrid, BAS) vying for control over the same data point
  • How many chargers can be load-managed across a customer deployment?  What is the scope?
  • Practical considerations from a technical point of view
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