Thomas Speidel

Founder and CEO
ADS-TEC Energy

Thomas Speidel is the founder and CEO of ADS-TEC Energy, a global leader in battery-buffered, ultra-fast EV charging technology. Thomas formed the company in 2017 as an extension of his family’s business, ADS-TEC Group, which he has led since 1998. ADS-TEC Energy’s parent company has been focused on battery storage systems for commercial and industrial applications for decades. ADS-TEC Energy has extended this expertise into battery-buffered EV charging systems infrastructure, battery storage systems, and cloud-based services for controlling and managing these systems.

Thomas serves as president of the German Energy Storage Systems Association (BVES Bundesverband Energiespeicher Systeme e.V.) in Berlin and is a member of the Fraunhofer ISE Board of Trustees. He is involved in key committees and associations in the energy sector and maintains close relations with companies and research institutions along the entire value chain. Thomas holds a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Stuttgart.

Thomas Speidel’s Session(s):

4:15 pm–4:45 pm | Thu, March 21, 2024

Sustainable Infrastructure: Creating Self-Sustaining Charging Systems with Reliable ROI

Self-sustaining charging systems are the future. They enable more profitable and efficient business practices in EV charging and help the industry transition to a clean-energy future. This panel will explore various sustainable infrastructure solutions your business can consider that boost efficiency and resiliency while helping you reach your ROI targets. 

Takeaways include:

  • Clean power generation and charging options (microgrids, solar, battery-powered, and mobile) that help support both your business and the transition to a net-zero future
  • How to customize the types of charging systems that are the best fit for your business
  • Increase the resiliency of your facility during power outages
  • Provide your customers with the green amenities they need while future-proofing your business and generating savings on your utility bill

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