Susan Linwood
Susan Linwood, as CEO of ChargePodX, leads the deployment of their pioneering "Level 2.5 Charging" technology, particularly beneficial for fleet owners and car dealerships. This significant innovation offers fast DC charging using the most common 240V AC infrastructure, effectively streamlining setup, minimizing permitting delays, and eliminating construction costs.
A recognized leader in her field, Susan Linwood has shared her valuable insights at CHARGED magazine and spoke at the California Air Resource Board, Plugin IE, the American EV Association, and the EV World Congress.
Susan Linwood’s Session(s):
10:30 am–11:15 am | Thu, March 21, 2024
You’re Investing in EV Charging - Now What? Choosing the Right Business Model & Level of Ownership
When first starting your EV Charging business, there are myriad business models and levels of ownership to consider. Different vendors and partners can offer varying levels of support, depending on how hands-on your organization wants to be in the strategy, installation, maintenance, and support of your EV Charging stations or vehicles.
In this session, you’ll hear from government agencies that have started their EV programs from scratch alongside vendors that can share perspectives on the solutions that might work best based on your program goals and needs.
Key takeaways:
- Review the scale of options available to EV leaders from full ownership to turnkey vendor solutions
- Available business and monetization models and costs every EV program manager should be aware of
- Examples from LA County and Cobb County Governments to show what a successful hands-on approach looks like