Ryan McKinnon

Charge Ahead Partnership

Ryan McKinnon is spokesman for Charge Ahead Partnership, a coalition of businesses, organizations and individuals working to expand access to the EV charging marketplace through a free-market approach.

Ryan McKinnon’s Session(s):

1:05 pm–1:40 pm | Thu, March 21, 2024

Better, Faster, Cheaper: Accelerating the Electrification of Transportation

Red tape can often delay regional areas from having adequate charging for EVs.  This session is about cutting red tape and taking an alternative look to accelerate charging infrastructure for the common good.  

Key takeaways include:

  • Reviewing how key players (government entities and independent businesses) can play to their individual strengths to ensure progress towards a transparent, private marketplace
  • Understanding the policies that will best support EV adoption and easy access to the marketplace for small businesses
  • How government entities can rely on private investments for nimble development and deployment
  • How investors can collaborate with government entities to accelerate infrastructure

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