Karen Apple

Electric Vehicle Program Manager
City of Phoenix

Karen Apple has over a decade of experience and knowledge in public policy issues and project management related to transportation and the environment. Karen joined the City of Phoenix Office of Sustainability as the Electric Vehicle Program Manager in March 2020 and manages the planning and program development of projects that support the accelerated adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs). This work includes: developing EV education and awareness initiatives, implementing the installation of charging stations for public and City workplace and fleet use, implementing EV-ready building codes, coordinating with City departments to integrate EVs into the fleet, and continuing to collaborate with other local, regional, and state stakeholders and utility partners to increase EV adoption and decrease air quality emissions.

Prior to joining the City of Phoenix Office of Sustainability, Karen served as a Project Manager/NEPA Planner with the City of Phoenix Aviation Department since 2005. Ms. Apple holds a Master’s of Environmental Planning from Arizona State University and a Bachelor’s of Science in Public Policy – Transportation from Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs.

Karen Apple’s Session(s):

10:30 am–11:15 am | Thu, March 21, 2024

Government Rollout: Simplify Regional Infrastructure Deployment Across Jurisdictions

Regional coordination is key to our highways being charge-ready.  The EV industry is fast-moving, and municipalities and government entities are struggling to keep up.  How governments collaborate to cut red tape will determine how fast they can scale infrastructure and meet the needs of the EV charging industry.  The lack of EVSE policies, regulations, and government coordination hinders the ability to meet demand. Join this session to learn how municipalities can create regional alignment in the nation’s plan for charging infrastructure. 

Takeaways include:

  • Develop aligned strategies through crucial partnerships
  • Involve key stakeholders to fast-track the deployment of infrastructure

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